
Showing posts with the label nasa news

Record Floods in 2030s Due to Moon 'Wobble' :NASA Predicted

  The moon's orbit causes high and low tides on Earth. Its gravitational pull generates something called the tidal force. The 'wobble' in the Moon's orbit lasts for 18.6 years, during which there is a tidal amplification phase, increasing the devastating effect of high tides. This cycle is expected to occur in the mid-2030s and, along with rising sea levels, could lead to more nuisance flooding, NASA said. Climate change has caused sudden climatic changes on Earth, which has caused flooding in many countries, especially in the United States. But now, a new study has linked extreme weather events to Earth's neighbor, the moon. The study has been carried out by the US space agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa), which says that a 'wobble' in the Moon's orbit combined with rising sea levels due to climate change will cause devastating floods on Earth. . The study was published in the journal Nature Climate Change on June 21. Called ...