How "Digital India" and "Make in India" Strengthen India's Tech Giant-#StartupIndia
D igital India and Make In India were conceived as a call to action for Indian innovators and business leaders. Both initiatives are important cogs in PM's vision to make India a global technology superpower. Below, we take a closer look at the progress, milestones, and challenges of these initiatives. In 2014, India had just over 233 million internet users out of a population just under 1.3 billion, with a low penetration rate below 20%. But with its focus on technology and the momentum of India's digital economy, the new government that was formed in 2014 set out to change this. In September 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched one of the flagship projects "Make In India" among a number of other initiatives to build the digital economy. In July 2015, the launch of Digital India signaled India's intention to become a global technology superpower. While Make In India was designed to transform India into a global design and manufacturing hub from an impo...